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What is Spirit Art?Spirit Art is based on image inspiration projected from spirit visually for the medium to either paint or draw, this can be done clairvoyantly, seeing with the mind's eye or externally, including even through dreams.
What is a Spirit Artist?A Spirit Artist is when spirit is able to connect with the medium either clairvoyantly whether they appear in the medium's mind's eye, externally, or even through an inner knowing/intuition. A Spirit Artist is different than a Psychic Artist because being psychic relies more on feeling than seeing. However a Spirit Artist sees, feels and knows what a spirit person would look like, a Psychic Artist will feel what the spirit person may look like, but both the Psychic and Clair-senses abilities can be combined for a Spirit Artist.
How do you do the Spirit Art?When I do the spirit art, I often see an invisible guideline on the blank space, this helps me to draw over these guided lines of the etheric (spirit) to produce a portrait. Another way of working with the spirit art is that I am able to see spirit through my mind's eye (third eye), in a vision crystal clear to be able to draw them, along with assistance from my spirit guides to help me to draw the etheric with accurate detail. I am also able to have contact with spirit through the astral, the etheric show themselves very clear to me this way, so that when I come back I would be able to draw them based from memory. So these are the different ways I can work with spirit, including receiving their names, conditions, passing or any other relevant information/evidence.
Do you do tuitions on Spirit Art?I do One-to-one Tuitions where I can teach the mechanics behind the Spirit Art. You will learn and understand how you work with spirit expressed through the art. For further information/questions you can contact me.
How do you make your crystal creations?My crystal creations are made from pure crystals bonded together using a special type of resin, using very little resin as a gloss coat and simply just to bind each layer of crystals together into whatever form/shape.
Is there any scientific evidence that crystals 'work'?Yes there are YouTube videos which shows scientific evidence that crystals can be used for therapy and other uses, such as being used in watches, computers and other electronical devices. Crystals have been known to raise the energy vibration and for healing purposes, which has been proven to help with mind and body.
Can you be a medium as well as a healer, spirit artist, etc?"This question has been mentioned in many places I have stumbled across, some people believe that you can not be a medium as well as a healer, I mean why not? We are infinite beings living a human experience, the only limitation is what we believe we cannot do, sure it's all about balance and not over-doing things, but yes we can multi-task, that is why we are capable of doing more than one thing, as long as we are not burning ourselves out. We can be a medium aswell as a healer, energy is energy, where-ever we put our focus to is always possible. It's all about the question of if you want to. One can still be an hairdresser as well as doing nails or being a cook for example. From my own personal experience, I have found I was still able to draw loved ones from spirit, connect with them for readings and be a healer, amongst other things, I have never limited my capabilities.
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