Online Mediumship Development & Awareness Classes
We are currently running the classes on a Friday fortnightly from 7:30pm until 9:30pm GMT.
These classes are £10 per person. The sessions will take place Facebook Messenger Video within a group.
The sessions will be with a group of pupils attending from up to 6 or 10 people.
What you will learn from the classes:
Connecting with Loved Ones, Spirit Guides and more
Understanding the way you work and the mechanics behind the mediumship
Atlantis, Lemuria, Galactical Beings and more
Crystals, Gemstones, Stones, Runestones
Working with Energies, such as with the universal energies for manifestation, receiving, empowerment, beneficial to our general well-being and so much more...
The many spirit realms, Dragon Realms, Unicorns and many other etheric beings
And so many other various, endless topics included, all to help with your spiritual and enlightening journey.
If you think this is for you, please contact emmalmather@hotmail.com for more information and/or enquiries.